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Sartain's Union Magazine (First Print Appearance of Thoreau's WALDEN)

Sartain’s Union Magazine. Volumes X-XI.

Philadelphia, 1852

Contemporary Half Calf Binding. Fair Condition. 


Contains the First Print Appearance of any part of  Henry David Thoreau's WALDEN.

This volume also contains Jules Verne’s “A Voyage in a Balloon”, the first appearance of any of Verne’s writings in America.


Thoreau related:

THE RARE FIRST APPEANCE OF ANY PART OF WALDEN. Printed, collected, and bound in 1852, this volume contains  “The Iron Horse” and “A Poet Buying a Farm”. These two essays are pre-publication selections from WALDEN, which did not appear in book form until 1854.


Although Sartain’s Union Magazine was popular for a time, by 1852 it had declined, and it was forced to cease publication in August of 1852, the second month number of Volume XI. The Thoreau writings are in the July and August 1852 issues, the last two issues before the magazine folded. Few copies of these last two issues appear to have been published, and because only two numbers of Volume XI were published, very few found their way into bound volumes. This example has survived because the owner failed to send their Volume X to the binder in a timely fashion and decided to have the two stray issues from Volume XI bound in at the end. [BORST D40 & D41].



Sartain's Union Magazine (First Print Appearance of Thoreau's WALDEN)

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